What is a Personal Concierge Service?

We have all been there. Rushing from one errand to another, counting the minutes we have left hoping to make it to the kids' school in time for carpool. Toss in one lackadaisical cashier or slow-as-molasses bank teller and your entire schedule is thrown off. What you need is some help! Fortunately, time-starved people are fueling the growing number of personal concierge services. By taking on personal errands such as shopping for groceries, delivering packages, Read More >

Why People Hire Personal Shoppers to Offset More Hours at Work

With the economy sputtering along since 2008, many people have found that their workloads have dramatically increased. For those compensated by the hour, you may find yourself doing not only the job with which you are long familiar, but also many of the duties of a laid off co-worker or of a person who was never hired at all. For those in business or on a commission, you may be devoting more time than ever just to maintain the same income. In a situation where your Read More >

How to Outsource Your Daily Tasks to Save Time and Money

How often do you hear someone say that if they could do things over, they'd spend more time picking up their dry cleaning? It's a rhetorical question of course, but think about it: Do errands that need to get done require time off from work, or worse, prevent you from spending your precious time with those you love? In years to come, will your family have fond memories of the time you spent on Costco runs without them? I'm pretty sure your family's best Read More >

Personal Concierge Services for Busy Professionals

If you're working both harder and longer these days, you are not alone. Employers aren't replacing laid-off workers; they are just asking their remaining employees to do more instead. Of course the employees accept -- it's the American way, and besides, everyone wants to stay valuable enough to survive the next round of layoffs. These hours cost employees dearly over the long term. Researchers say that Americans get on average 60 to 90 minutes less sleep than they Read More >

9 Ways to Maximize Time at the Grocery Store

Grocery shopping is no one’s favorite errand. Dodging shopping carts, reading confusing labels and standing in long checkout lines eat up your precious time. Unfortunately, it is a task that needs to be done because we all have to eat. If you want to cut the amount of effort you put into grocery shopping and maximize your time at the supermarket, then follow these tips for grocery shopping success: PREPARE A LIST There is nothing worse than getting home from the Read More >

How Not to be a Frazzled Person

It is an all-too-familiar scene played out in virtually every household in America, almost every single day: People rushing out the door in the morning, hustling the children off to childcare or school, sitting through rush-hour traffic, picking up coffee and a breakfast pastry on the way to the office because there was no time for a decent morning meal, squeezing in a call to the doctor’s office to reschedule an appointment in between meetings, picking up the dry Read More >