Ways to Practice Self-Care

When you’re at work, everything you do is likely in service to your boss, and when you’re at home you probably feel like you’re in service to you kids, or certain expectations you have for yourself regarding how you should live. But the truth is, if you want to lead a truly happy, fulfilling life you need to make sure you practice self-care as well. Self-care is all about prioritizing your own physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs so that you’re actually Read More >

The Importance of Self-Care

Are there some days where you just feel so tired and burnt out that you don’t want to tackle anything on your never-ending to-do list? This can happen to anyone and often happens to everyone at least once or twice in life. Luckily there are ways we can better care for our bodies, minds, and spirits without taking too much time away from our busy schedules. Here are a few ways you can start on a path to taking care of yourself just a little better, helping you live and Read More >

Empty Nesters Can Fill Empty Hours With Purpose

Your days used to revolve around your career, family, and your children's events and activities. Then, the children grew up and left the nest. You now have the free time to pursue those hobbies you had long put off, to travel the world, or even to learn that new dance move. There are many people who long for these child-free moments, putting behind a life once filled with packed schedules and parenting duties. And at the same time, there are those who struggle daily with Read More >

Nurturing the Woman Who Juggles Too Much

Women today do it all - we are mothers, daughters, wives, volunteers and working professionals. That often leaves us with no time to do anything for ourselves. What a lot of women don't realize is that we are better able to help others when we take the time to recognize our own needs and relax. Relieving stress has a great number of health benefits including lower blood pressure, better sleep, and attaining a healthy weight. More than that, it can prevent burnout and Read More >

5 Tips to Combat Holiday Stress

The holiday season is the most magical time of the year.  Chances are your holiday to-do list will include some, if not all, of the following:  buying or assembling a holiday tree, decorating the house and tree, compiling a gift list, buying and wrapping gifts, planning holiday menus, writing holiday cards, attending office parties, planning family get-togethers, booking travel plans, etc.  In addition to these, you have a daily schedule of activities and obligations to Read More >