Empty Nesters Can Fill Empty Hours With Purpose

Your days used to revolve around your career, family, and your children's events and activities. Then, the children grew up and left the nest. You now have the free time to pursue those hobbies you had long put off, to travel the world, or even to learn that new dance move. There are many people who long for these child-free moments, putting behind a life once filled with packed schedules and parenting duties. And at the same time, there are those who struggle daily with Read More >

Confessions of a Boston Personal Concierge

I recently spent an afternoon volunteering at St. Francis House in Boston, the largest day shelter in New England. That day, like many times before, I was serving lunch to the homeless men and women who would stop by every day.  The weather was gloomy outside, but inside the kitchen there was nothing but love and warmth. My confession?  I love sharing my time every week at the shelter.  It's not a lot of time, but I somehow manage to squeeze it all in.  Food has the Read More >