
5 Tips for Digital Detox Success

technology dependenceIn a technology-driven world, unplugging completely from all of your beloved devices gets harder and harder. After all, who can say no to entertaining cat videos or access to the work email anytime you need them, made possible by today’s technology? The trouble is not the devices themselves, but the impact of too much screen time on your personal relationships.

A new year is a good time to assess your goals and make necessary adjustments for the coming months. Let scaling back the technology dependence be one of your goals this year. Here are some tips to help you unplug from your devices:

1. Cut Back on Mindless Surfing

Instead of wasting precious time surfing the TV channels or the Internet out of boredom, spend it on defined activities such as video chatting with Grandma or learning how to knit. If you do need to mindlessly surf, then set a timer for a specific amount of time and turn the screen off when time is up.

2. Schedule Device-Free Time

In order to reconnect with others and be fully present, you need to dedicate time in your day to be device-free. For some, it means no device time during the family dinner hour. For others, it may mean unplugging for one hour during their lunch break. Whatever it may be, schedule it in and commit to it.

3. Say No to Multitasking
Many people have different opinions about the art of balancing multiple tasks at the same time. Technology often makes life super easy and efficient, especially when you can be talking on the phone while responding to work emails, scheduling an appointment online, and sending a text to your husband at the same time. While doing these all at once may make you feel efficient, in reality they keep you from being engaged fully in each activity. It is really hard to talk to someone on the phone and concentrate on that email at the same time. Instead, you will gain better results when you focus on one task, and on one device, at a time.

4. Limit the Social Networking
Spending too much time posting and interacting on social networking sites in an effort to gain likes and approval from your audience can put you at risk of distracting you from the real world. While it is fine to be entertained on occasion, it is equally important to establish a few rules to help you put down the phone or step away from the computer screen, be present to your loved ones and live in the moment, in real time. If you are addicted to the nature of social networking sites, then consider getting a free app called SelfControl that helps block access to digital distractions for a specified period of time.

5. Seek Help from Others
Like overcoming any life challenge, seeking the support of people helps keep you accountable and focused on your goals. You may decide as a family to put away the cell phones every evening and spend this time reconnecting, or you may invite your coworkers to go device-free for the entire workday. If you find it a real challenge to let go of technology, even for a short period of time, consider signing up for a device-free workshop, retreat, or any programming designed to teach you how to disconnect and achieve balance in a technology-hungry world.

While finding balance in the digital age can be challenging at times, it takes commitment and discipline in order to step away from our beloved gadgets. Spending time engaging with people around you is quality time spent and is as real as it gets. Make it a goal in the new year to turn off the screens and turn up the dialogue with the family.

Image Credit: Dawson Toth