
How to Clean Up the Garden for Spring

Late winter is an excellent time to start thinking ahead about the home and garden projects that will surely fill your to-do lists in the weeks to come in Spring.

As spring makes its way here in New England in a few short weeks, start early by clearing up leftover dead greenery and making way for new plant growth. This very short video, part of the eHow At Home series, is an excellent demonstration on how to clean up your garden just in time for warmer weather, no matter where you live

Video by eHow Home & Garden

Services to Help You Enjoy Your Spring From Boston Personal Concierge

If you have trouble finding time to get out and work on your garden in spring, call us at 617.209.9311 or contact us online here. We can help you find the time you need to do the things you enjoy. Whether you need help with work or life, we offer a variety of services to assist with everyday life.  From errand running to party planning, office help or help with your loved ones, take a look at our services pages for ways you can let us help you.