
8 Tips for Celebrating a Solo Valentine’s Day

party planningValentine’s Day … images of candlelight dinners, flowers and candy, and couples in love come to mind. That is all good and fine if you are in a relationship with someone, but what should you do if you are single on Valentine’s Day? Start by loving the most important person in your life: YOU, and celebrate the holiday alone. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Be your own best partner and indulge yourself with a gift that reminds you of how special and awesome you really are.

2. Instead of just focusing on you, reach out to someone whom you haven’t spoken to in a long time.

3. Go on a date with yourself. Plan an itinerary of your favorite things to do and do them all. Eat at your favorite restaurant. Watch your favorite sport, or play it. Go on a day trip. Get a massage. Pamper yourself.

4. Host a party at home and invite your friends to come over to celebrate with you. Your friends will only have a deeper appreciation for you.

5. Buy yourself a bouquet of flowers and box of candy and have them delivered to your office. They will cheer you up every weekday morning when you arrive at work.

6. Skip the romantic movies and love songs. Skipping movies altogether and sticking with reality will help you stay positive and free you up for much more enjoyable activities.

7. Take a mini vacation by yourself. Drive to a town you’ve been meaning to explore. Hop on a cheap flight to whatever fits your budget, and then tour the sights. Grab your gear and head out to the forest or countryside and camp out. You don’t even have to leave town; book a night at a local bed and breakfast and be a tourist in your own town.

8. Feel the love by giving some love away. Volunteer for a cause you like. Buy some flowers and hand them out to people at random. Open your heart to strangers and see what happens.

Valentine’s Day is a day for sharing the love between two people and the love of self. If loneliness is difficult, celebrate you and be reminded throughout the year that you are awesome.

Image credit:  Chris Jones